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  4. The soup at Itamae Ramen Aoyama Asoko is so good you could drink it all up!

The soup at Itamae Ramen Aoyama Asoko is so good you could drink it all up!

I didn’t particularly actively like ramen. The reason for this…

I think many of us have heard that “ramen soup is bad for you, so don’t drink it all up and leave it behind.”

Ramen soup contains a large amount of [salt], so if you drink up all the soup in a bowl of ramen, you will get fat from too much salt and it is bad for your health…

I had such a prejudice too.

However, a friend invited me to a ramen restaurant in Aoyama, Tokyo.

I expected a beautiful, clean, modern building in the fashionable Aoyama district.

And the chef was a former itamae (chef who worked as an itamae (chef) for 36 years….

His name is Yukinobu Kimura.

I thought it would be a modern Japanese-style house restaurant, but when I visited, I found it in the guise of a ramen restaurant for lunch near a construction site in some rural area…

But the soup (dashi) here is outstandingly delicious!

The taste is truly astonishing!

And, it’s the best in costa rica!

The soup is made from thick shavings of bonito and mackerel from Makurazaki, Kagoshima Prefecture, cooked for two days with Daisen chicken from Tottori, and then combined with bonito and mackerel broth…

The soup (dashi) is somewhat thick because it is ramen, but seasoned like Japanese food…

This is the expression of the taste that only a Japanese food craftsman can make.

The noodles are made by “Men no Shou Tokyo Seimen,” and are made of “sticky straight noodles” with high water content.

The bamboo shoots are from “Daimon, a specialty store of bamboo shoots in Iwate Prefecture that has been specializing in bamboo shoots for more than 60 years….

The ingredients on top are as varied as Japanese food.

Today’s “thick shrimp broth ramen” (with clams on top) and “asari ramen” toppings were chosen by a friend of the restaurant’s staff….

It was worth coming here to eat with my friend after hearing about this hole-in-the-wall place from others.

If you are ever in Omotesando near Gaienmae, you should definitely stop by and try their soup and you will see how delicious it is.

The specialty, “Yaki-sai” was also soft and melted in my mouth as soon as I put it in my mouth…

Another restaurant I would revisit in a heartbeat…

Thank you! For telling me about a good place to eat!

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