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The personality of the creator is truly apparent in the food on the plate!

Recently, the glamorous French cuisine favored by trendy foodies for its Instagram appeal
The glamorous plates of Chagall’s paintings, the thought-provoking shapes of the food, and the

The gorgeous Chagall-esque arrangement of plates, the thought-provoking shapes of the dishes,
Delicate shapes that are too good to break, sauces coming out of smoke or chubes, and sounds….

It’s as if all five senses are engaged even before the food is served… So, for some reason, my shoulders get stiff.
I would like to enjoy the dishes themselves in a simpler, more orthodox way, without any tension in my shoulders.
I would like to enjoy the dishes themselves in a simpler, more orthodox way, without being overbearing.

Last night, I went to “Cote d’Or” in Mita with my business partner.
Here, I found the ultimate in genuine taste in a casual, ordinary setting.


The restaurant has been awarded 3 Michelin stars in Paris, France, and has not faded away.
Chef Masao Saito is the Japanese chef who opened “L’Ambroisie” with Bernard Pacaud.
Chef Masao Saito is the Japanese chef who opened “L’Ambroisie” with Bernard Pacaud.

The main dish was the classic “Braised Japanese Beef Tail with Red Wine Sauce,” and for appetizers, we asked for two plates of “Chilled Duck with Fresh
We asked for two appetizers: “Fresh Foie Gras with Chilled Duck” and “Fricassee of Cepe Mushrooms with Shallots and Parsley” as it is autumn.
Parsley” was served.


Cep mushrooms are called “Polichini mushrooms” in Italy. The French version of the “high quality matsutake mushroom”.
The fricassee is a cooking method in which the mushrooms are sauteed and then simmered. Fricassee is a method of cooking in which the mushrooms are fried and then stewed.
deliciousness! Delicious!

Then there was the beef tail stewed in red wine. The tail bone is in the middle of the meat. Just a little touch with a fork
Just a little touch with a fork and the meat almost comes off from the bone.

Cook and simmer until this almost removed. Then let it rest in the refrigerator for two or three days.
When we receive the order, we wrap it in netted pork fat (called “netted pork fat”) and let the wine drain off the fat.
The fat is then replenished to give it depth and roundness, and it is served with a delicious-looking
The dish is then served with a deliciously glowing finish.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is Chef Masao Saisu’s ultimate specialty dish.

Finally, we were shown the kitchen. This was my second time to visit the restaurant.
I have never been so impressed by the beauty of the kitchen as I was this time.
I have never been so struck by the cleanliness of a restaurant.

I was struck by one thing: Chef Saisu himself cleans the restaurant. This cleaning is done in the morning after preparation and at the end of lunch.
After preparation in the morning, after lunch, after preparation in the evening, and after dinner!

Depending on the day, he may clean the floor, fluorescent light bulbs, exhaust pipes, etc., which are usually only cleaned at the time of a major cleaning at home.
He cleans almost on a daily basis, even to the point of cleaning only at the time of major cleaning in ordinary households.

French cuisine uses a lot of butter, milk, cheese, and other strong-smelling, easily burnt items.
Butter, milk, cheese, and other strong-smelling, easily burnt items are often used in French cooking.

Even after more than 30 years, the kitchen is still spotless, with all the utensils, the kitchen counter, the taps, the floors, and everything else polished to a fine shine.
Every inch of the kitchen is polished to a “shiny” “kinky” beauty!

Pots, pans and other cooking utensils, Christofle cutlery, store fixtures, and of course, every single plate is spotlessly clean and odorless!



In his book, Mr. Saisu writes

「I believed that it was because we did chores that we possessed power. I didn’t want to take on power in order to kick down those below me.
I didn’t want to be the one to kick down the people below me. I wanted to be the one who could lift up the younger people.」

「It’s great to have a workplace where you don’t know if you are playing or working. Work is everyday life.
That’s why the daily cleaning is no different from playing, and it becomes a habit.
If you do cleaning every day, it’s not cleaning at all…”」

「Chef or not, you’re flipping out in the office. Clean it up!”
That’s what I have been telling myself.」

「If you don’t carefully complete each step of the process, you can’t make an important dish or take it for granted.
It is impossible to cook. Even if you are trying to do something big, each action
The base of the mountain is not expanding… A mountain without a broad base will not rise high…」

I once bought a copy of “Ten Dishes” at a store, and he signed it with the words….

「”Habit is the second nature”」 Masao Saisu

It was written by Masao Saisu.

I think this restaurant has the “essence of a real chef’s work,” not just a Michelin star.
I believe that the “essence of a real chef’s work” can be found in this restaurant.

Please come and try Mr. Saisu’s cuisine.

The season of “black truffle pie” is coming as the weather gets colder.

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