Golf Tour Example

VIPs from all over the world like to play golf. Why? This is because golf is the only way to entertain. They don’t say, “Would you like to go swimming?”, “How about basketball?” , “Let’s play table tennis. There is a rule in golf that men and women of all ages are always equal. The tee markings are white (regular tees), red (ladies’ tees), blue (back tees), black (championship tees), senior tees, grand senior tees, and so on, depending on the handicap and the color of the tee mark.
So you will always be in a fair position to compete.
And winning is not about defeating the opponent like in soccer, baseball, tennis, etc., but it is all about competing against oneself… It is close to the spirit of chivalry and similar to the spirit of Bushido in Japan.
When guiding golfers to such a high-quality environment, we can not only guide them to prestigious courses that are difficult to reserve and require members to accompany them, but can also plan rounds of golf experiences that include lessons with popular professional golfers. The competition can be planned and managed in a different way with a lot of contents such as a raffle by a famous pro, practical round lessons, one-point advice, and a get-together party.
≪Implementation Example≫
Men’s Pros (Hideto Tanihara, Masahiro Kuramoto, Naomichi Ozaki, Tateo Ozaki, Hajime Meshiai, Nobuo Serizawa, Genzo Tokimatsu, Yuta Ikeda, Shugo Imahira, Toru Suzuki, Taichi Teshima, Koki Idoki, Toru Nakayama, Yoshinori Fujimoto, Yuto Katsuragawa, Yuki Inamori, Koki Shiomi, Naoto Nakanishi, Jinichiro Kozuma, and many others)
Women’s Pros (Miki Sakai, Shiho Oyama, Momo Yoshikawa, Laura Davies, Minjee Lee, Charley Hull, and many others)