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Shuni-kai (water-drawing ceremony)

Spring is just around the corner!

We are here in Nara.

The Shunie (Shunyae) / Omizutori (water-drawing) ceremony has started at Nigatsudo Hall of Todaiji Temple from 3/1 to 3/14.

The famous Matsumyo (torchlight) ceremony will be held from 19:00.

This Shunie at Nigatsudo Hall of Todaiji Temple is popularly known as “Omizutori”.

It is a traditional Nara event that has never been interrupted since 752 (Tempyo Shoho 4), and this year marks the 1,273rd time.

The “Omatsumo” (torchlight) that runs across the stage of the Nigatsudo Hall is often seen on TV and in magazines, and is a well-known symbol of the arrival of spring.

Eleven selected monks purify themselves and stay inside the hall as parade performers to pray to the main deity, the eleven-faced Kannon, for world peace and the happiness of people.

The Buddhist memorial service that takes place in the hall late at night is not well known.

This year again, due to the Corona disaster, people are not allowed to listen to the service inside the hall.

The mannerisms and events of the Buddhist memorial service, which can be heard leaking from the tatami room called “bureau” inside the hall, are performed with a rich musicality.

But unfortunately, this year, too, we will not be able to listen…

The act of praying has continued for more than 1,250 years without interruption as long as human beings have existed.

Prayer” is the act of “putting one’s intention” on God or Buddha…

Tomorrow, March 5, the highlight of the first half of the festival, the “Shinmyocho”, the reading of the “Pastor’s Book”, and the “Running” will be held….

I would like to join hands with all the people of the world so that they can live rich, happy and peaceful days…

Gratitude, gratitude…